Many late talking toddlers need to practice imitation skills. If your toddler is not yet copying words, take a step back and try some Copy Cat games with actions and funny sounds / noises. Lots of young children love these Simon Says games and it is a great way to help them ‘have a go‘ at copying sounds.
1. Baby’s First Sounds - this is a simple book of different photo images (one picture to a page). Lots of different sounds can be made throughout the book. Bell = ling a ling, Cat = meow, Drum = bang bang
2. Baby Touch & Feel – Farm Animals – moo, baa, meow
3. Uh Oh, I’m sorry – uh oh /oh no
4. Baby Faces Peek a Boo - Adult says peeka……….. and child lifts the flap and says ‘boo!’
5. Sleepy Baby - sssh! or eyes shut and snoring noises

1. You can repeat the same noise or sound
many times through the book
2. The pictures are simple and lend
themselves to a particular sound
3. Many of the books have flaps or tactile
pieces to keep toddlers engaged
Make sure that you use the books as a fun way to make playsounds and focus on these rather than the story. Praise your toddler for any attempts at making the sound – don’t worry if it is mispronounced!
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