For those of you with Preschool-age children, we wanted to
share a few tips to improve literacy as well as increase their utterance length
(number of words they use). This allows them to be more expressive and engage
in more success conversations with adults.
PEER is a
technique that allows the child to become the teller of the story and the adult
becomes the listener, the questioner, and audience. Use this strategy when you
want your child to tell you a story or a personal experience
Prompts the child
to say something
Evaluates the
child’s response
Expands the
child’s utterance.
Repeat the
Example of PEER
Adult: What does the pig want with his pancake?
Child: Wants syrup
Adult: That’s right, the
pig wants syrup.
Child repeats: The pig
wants syrup.
SEER is a
strategy that is used to teach new words.
Say the word in context
E Provide a child-friendly explanation of the word
using Tier 1 (basic) vocab
E Give an example from your experiences or the
child’s experiences.
R Ask the child to repeat the word after you.
Use these techniques to help your child grow their
expressive vocabulary and ability to engage in storytelling. Watch your child’s
language grow!